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A. International Journal Articles (SCI/SCIE)


A1. M.N. Balci, B. Yildirim, S. Dag, Analysis of frictional contacts with heat generation considering temperature dependent material properties, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 101-102 (2015) 59-69. (SCI, Q1, H-index: 103)

A2. M.N. Balci, S. Dag, B. Yildirim, Subsurface stresses in graded coatings subjected to frictional contact with heat generation, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 40(4) (2017) 517-534. (SCI, Q1, H-index: 54)

A3. M.N. Balci and S. Dag, Dynamic frictional contact problems involving elastic coatings, Tribology International, 124 (2018) 70-92. (SCI, Q1, H-index: 114)

A4. M.N. Balci and S. Dag, Solution of the dynamic frictional contact problem between a functionally graded coating and a moving cylindrical punch, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 161 (2019) 267-281. (SCI Q1, H-index: 159)

A5. M.N. Balci and S. Dag, Mechanics of dynamic contact of coated substrate and rigid cylindrical ended punch, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(5) (2019) 1-16. (SCI-E, Q2, H-index: 42)

A6. M.N. Balci, The influence of interface stiffness ratio on elastodynamic contact mechanics of graded coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 375 (2019) 489-507. (SCI-E, Q1, H-index: 165)

A7. M.N. Balci and S. Dag, Moving contact problems involving a rigid punch and a functionally graded coating, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 81 (2020) 855-886. (SCI, Q1, H-index: 103)

A8. M.N. Balci, Contact Stress Analysis for a Functionally Graded Half-plane at Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Sliding Speeds, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 45 (2020) 8895-8915 (SCI-E, Q2, H-index: 37)

A9. M.N. Balci, The effect of punch speed on frictional contact mechanics of finite-thickness graded layer resting on the rigid foundation, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(6) 343 (2020) (SCI-E, Q2, H-index: 36)

A10. M.N. Balci, O. Arslan, Dynamic frictional contact mechanics between a functionally graded orthotropic medium and a moving flat punch, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, (SCI-E, Q3, H-index: 59)

A11. Y. Hewavidana, M.N. Balci, A. Gleadall, B. Pourdeyhimi, V.V. Silberschmidt, E. Demirci, Algorithm to determine orientation distribution function from microscopic images of fibrous networks: Validation with X-ray microtomography, Micron, 160(8) (2022) 103321 (SCI-E, Q3, H-index: 88)

A12. Y. Kayali, M.N. Balci, A. Gleadall, V.V. Silberschmidt, E. Demirci, Numerical characterisation of uniformity of fibrous networks, Powder Technology, 408 (2022) 117783 (SCI-E, Q1, H-index: 148)

A13. M.N. Balci, Longitudinal vibration of a nanorod embedded in viscoelastic medium considering nonlocal strain gradient theory, Advances in Nano Research, 13(2) (2022) 147-164. (SCI-E, Q1, H-index: 22)

A14. Y. Hewavidana, Y. Hewavidana, M.N. Balci, A. Gleadall, B. Pourdeyhimi, V.V. Silberschmidt, E. Demirci, Assessing Crimp of Fibres in Random Networks with 3D Imaging, Polymers, 15(4) (2023) 1050 (SCI-E, Q1, H-index: 113)

A.15. M.N. Balci, Longitudinal Forced Vibration Analysis of a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Embedded in an Elastic Medium, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies (2023), (SCI-E, Q2, H-index: 19)

A.16. M.N. Balci, S. Dag, B. Yildirim, Cracking of a Functionally Graded Coating Subjected to Frictional Contact with Heat Generation, accepted for publication in Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, (SCI-E, Q1, H-index: 94)


B. Other Refereed International Journal Articles


B1. M.N. Balci and B. Sabuncuoglu, Computational Techniques for The Evaluation of Inhomogeneity Parameters on Transient Conduction in Functionally Graded Layers, International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS), Vol.11 Issue 3 (2019) 428-444. (DOAJ, Google Scholar, Dergipark)

B2. M.N. Balci, Implementation of Dahl’s dynamic friction model to contact mechanics of elastic solids, SN Applied Sciences, 3 (2021) Article number: 92. (Scopus, EI Copendex, DOAJ)

B3. M.N. Balci, Stress distribution in an Elastic Rod Subjected to Initial Tip Displacement, European Journal of Science and Technology, 28 (2021) 1348-1355 (TR Dizin)

B4. M.N. Balci, Determination of Subsurface Thermoelastic Contact Stresses in a Half-Plane Using Temperature Dependent Properties, Journal of Polytechnic, 25(1) (2022) 257-272 (ESCI, TR Dizin)


C. National Refereed Journal Articles


C1. M.N. Balci, Fren Disk-Balata Mekanizmasının Üç boyutlu Gerilme Analizi, Konya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1) (2021) 62-84. (Dergipark, TR Dizin)



D. International Conference Papers


D1. L. Çolak, E. Öztürk, M.N. Balci, S. B. Körpe, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Wind Loads on Cladding of Tall Buildings, 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Antalya, Turkey, 17-19 July 2010.

D2. Mehmet N. Balci and Serkan Dag, Dynamic behavior of a functionally graded coating subjected to moving contact with a semi-circular punch, 15th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Kitakyushu, Japan, 5-8 August 2018.

D3. M.N. Balci, Computational Wave Propagation Analysis in Bicomponent Polymer Fibers, 6th Int. Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2021), Ä°stanbul, Turkey, 20-22 October 2021.

D4. M.N. Balci, The influence of single-sided mounting material on longitudinal wave propagation in Ti6Al4V rod, Int. Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE 2021), Konya, Turkey, 18-20 November 2021.

D5. M.N. Balci, Wave Dispersion Characteristics of Nanorods with Uniform Porosity, Int. Conference on Advances in Engineering, Architecture, Science and Technology (ICA-EAST 2021), Erzurum, Turkey, 15-17 December 2021.

D6. Y. Kayali, M.N. Balci, E. Demirci, Investigating Effect of Curliness on Porosity for Random Fibrous Networks, 19th Int. Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK2022), Ürgüp, Turkey, 31 Aug- 03 Sep 2022.

D7. M.N. Balci, Influence of punch properties on contact mechanics of coated substrates, 19th Int. Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK2022), Ürgüp, Turkey, 31 Aug- 03 Sep 2022.

D8. M.N. Balci, Zımba Kayma Hızının Yanal DerecelendirilmiÅŸ bir Altkatmanın Termoelastik Temas MekaniÄŸi Üzerine Etkisi, 23. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi (TUMTMK), 05-08 Eylül 2023, Konya Teknik Üniversitesi, Konya, Türkiye.

D9. M.N. Balci and M. Arda, DeÄŸiÅŸken Kesitli Eksenel Fonksiyonel DerecelendirilmiÅŸ bir KiriÅŸin TitreÅŸim Analizi için Hesaplamalı Yöntemler, 21. Ulusal Makine Teorisi Sempozyumu (UMTS 2023), 13-15 Eylül 2023, Trakya Üniversitesi, Balkan Kongre Merkezi,  Türkiye.


F. Seminars


F1. Mehmet N. Balci, The Application of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in Mechanical Design of Membrane Type Sensors, Ankara University, Department of Mathematics.



G. Books


G1. ANSYS Structrual Mechanics Applications, ANOVA Engineering Ltd. 2015, Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Bora Yıldırım, M.N. Balci, S. Karagoz, Y. Dil, H.Z. Kaya.


H. Refereeing


H1.   International Journal of Solids and Structures

H2.   International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

H3.   Tribology International

H4.   Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

H5.   Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

H6.   Scientia Iranica

H7.   Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers)

H8.   Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

H9.   Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Serbia

H10. Structural Engineering & Mechanics

H11. Advances in Mechanical Engineering

H12. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering

H13. Mathematical Problems in Engineering

H14. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines

H15. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

H16. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

H17. Mechanical Sciences

H18. Romainan Journal of Vibration

H19. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences (Yildiz Technical University)

H20. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi

H21. Manas Journal of Engineering (Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Journal)



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